Principal designer Aleisha Colomba brings experience, sensitivity, and passion to every project. She has a Master’s of Fine Arts Degree in Interior Design from Savannah College of Art & Design and is CCIDC certified. Aleisha believes that the best design improves people's lives, and she takes the responsibility of managing people’s most treasured spaces very seriously. Her eclectic background and varied interests allow her to incorporate inspiration from a wide variety of sources, and she’s constantly on the lookout for the perfect piece for each client.

When you work with Studio Colomba, we walk you through a step-by-step design process tailored to your project’s specific scope. Please reach out to discuss your needs—are you looking for a little refresh or a full home renovation? Something in between, or not even sure where to begin? Get in touch—we can take you where you need to go.

Our Story

Originally hailing from the East Coast, Aleisha has a background in archaeology and comes from a family of builders and antique collectors. Her parents built the house she grew up in and taught her the value of good materials and pride of place. Starting her career path in Washington, D.C., life events turned her toward California and she’s been enjoying the West Coast since 2015. The contrasts and compliments of East versus West and old versus new are things that continually fascinate Aleisha, and she often plays the concepts off of each other in her work. She doesn’t believe in adhering to one specific style and instead embraces the unique circumstances of each project, incorporating client requests, architectural quirks, and any serendipitous happenings along the way.

If you feel ready to add some character to your interiors, reach out to us and let us know!